Sunday, May 23, 2010

Foods Forbidden on Atkins Induction

Basically, the rule is that anything not on the Acceptable Food List isn't allowed. These include but are not limited to the following: 1.Grains and anything made with them, including bread, cake, pastries, or anything else made of flour 2.Any food that includes added sugars which is most processed food 3.Fruits and fruit juices 4.Dairy products except for cheeses and cream in limited quantities as noted on the acceptable foods list 5.Starchy vegetables such as potatoes, beets, corn, etc. (starchy veggies are listed at the bottom of the low carb food list). 6.Legumes (beans and peas) 7.Watch out for deli salads, which often have added sugars 8.No alcoholic beverages 9.No nuts, although they are encouraged after Induction

vegetable supplement italian christmas cookies veggie chips


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