Monday, August 9, 2010

For Postpartum Weight Loss - Triple Your Fruits and Veggies

Soon you will have to say it to your kids: eat your veggies! But if you are truly serious about postpartum weight loss, you need to actually eat them yourself!

One good rule of thumb for optimum postpartum weight dropping is to be sure you eat 2-4 servings of raw fruit or veggies with every meal and for every snack. Period. If you don't see something on your plate that is still in the form nature made it, (raw or only lightly cooked) then you are not getting the best weight loss meal possible.

Be careful with eating too many starchy root vegetables like carrots and potatoes. These veggies, while still a better choice than potato chips, can hinder weight loss with their high starch content. Also, keep in mind that corn is a high-starch grain, NOT a vegetable, and should be treated as such when dieting. For serious postpartum weight loss, avoid eating too much of these types of starchy food.

Be sure you look for brightly colored fruits and veggies; greens and yellows, reds and purples. Eat a rainbow of things that grew from the ground to ensure you will see the most results and get the most nutrients while you are working toward your post natal goals.

Not only are raw veggies and fruits low calorie, they are full of healing enzymes. The body is a remarkable and complex machine. So much more is going on than most people really understand. Quite often, excess weight is the result of something far more diabolical than just too much food and not enough exercise.

When working toward postpartum weight loss, keep in mind that there are other factors such as hormonal imbalance, edema (swelling and retaining of fluids) and histamine reactions (basically allergies) at work in your system. The wrong kinds of food are major contributors to these problems.

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