You exercise, drink water, watch what you eat, use portion control and still are not losing a pound. How could that be? Here are 8 reasons why your body is not behaving the way you want it to.
1. Lift weights at least 3 days per week - building and maintaining muscle month after month is key when it comes to losing weight. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn just sitting here. It is one reason why men lose weight faster than women, they have more muscle mass. Alternate between lifting weights one day and doing cardiovascular work the next day.
2. Fidget - thin people fidget much more than obese people and this simple activity can burn almost 350 calories per day - it will help increase your metabolism as you get older.
3. Fill up on low-calorie foods - like non-starchy vegetables. Include broccoli, tomatoes, carrots, celery. Take advantage of the pre-cut vegetables at the grocery store so you can snack on these instead of processed carbohydrates.
4. Eat meals at home instead of relying on drive-thrus - fast food can sabotage your weight loss efforts very quickly so find meals you can prepare quickly and easily at home.
5. Savor your food - this means put it in a bowl or on a plate and sit down and enjoy it. No bags, cartons, or fistfuls of food for mindless snacking.
6. Cheat once a week - it is important to not feel deprived and if you go way too long without enjoying your favorite food, it can backfire on your diet efforts. No more dieting. Focus on foods that are good for you and you like 90% of the time, and the other 10% of junk food you do indulge in, will not matter.
7. Stop rewarding yourself with food - instead find other activities and ways to treat yourself - take a Yoga class, get a manicure, pedicure or facial, meet a friend for a cup of Green Tea, read a good book, etc.
8. Are you taking too many medications? there are all sorts of drugs to treat diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure, depression, etc. Some will make you hungrier and while others will stimulate your body to store body fat. Ask your doctor if you could go on a lower dose or better yet, meet with a Natural Medicine Doctor who can help wean you off your medications. Please do not change your medications without consulting your health care provider.
Exercise must become a regular part of your day. You brush your teeth and bathe every single day and exercise must be thought of in the same way. Losing even a few pounds makes you healthier and less likely to develop diabetes, heart disease , high blood pressure or cancer. You do not have to be super skinny to be healthy. If you lose 5-10% of your total body weight, it may be enough to get off high blood pressure medication. Find ways to incorporate exercise into your life, especially weight-bearing exercises. It is a great way to control your weight and maintain good health.
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